Part 16: Turn 13: Are we done with sieges yet?
Update 13: Are we done with sieges yet?
Countess attacks immediately after my turn ends.

They manage to close with my archers.

But the archers have higher morale!

The archers are the top unit in this screenshot. They are the bait so the siege continues uninterrupted.

That glitch kind of screws me here. Anytime I put trebs on the bottom they get hit. They are as far back as possible, so they should not be getting hit.

The Baron tries to sneak by to retake a county I had just taken from him.

To the north in his right-most county I come under attack before I can begin a siege.

I severely underestimated the wrapping ability of the peasants. They get to my archers. Again.

I genuinely thought my 40 maces could delay a group of peasants long enough for my knights to finish up and go help.

I moved the knights to help when they broke the peasants they faced, but it was all over by that time anyway.

Back to sieges!

This is the Countess' biggest castle that I've been dicking around with for a while. My siege troops are pissed.

I move the trebs from the bottom so they dont get glitch-hit again.

Oh good, the Baron has ANOTHER army of 500+

The army of mine that just fought gets to fight again immediately.

The archers break the swordsmen as fast as possible, then lend hands to the peasants.

His archers do some damage, but there is nothing I can do about it right now.

My poor swordsmen are being swarmed by peasants, I'm losing far more there than I would like, but I need to finish off the archers. You can see my archers unloading on the peasants to help the poor swordsmen.

A few waves of arrows is enough to scare the peasants off. The knights hammered the archers and they broke and ran too.

Poor swordsmen

Back at the Countess' site, I finally reach it with one of the 8 armies I had been running the map with. Let another siege begin.

I bring some more units over here to catch the Baron being a dickhole and running. Also, I need to capture that county waaaaay top left so one of these armies will go do that.

The trap snaps shut!

Ready for this?

Swordsmen.... TRANSFORM! I put them in this formation because it helps prevent wrap-arounds by peasants. The swords kill them faster as a result.

Sometimes it works better than others.

He ran away, so now I have another piddly army to go fight and waste my army movement for a turn.

Luckily I am within striking distance.

It goes well for me. That one death had to be friendly fire since they ran after 10 arrows hit them.

North is Countess, left and then north is Baron. Go armies!

Left is Countess. I'm coming from all sides!

She tries to break the new siege I just laid down.

This looks strangely familiar...

I just didnt care. Just let the battle run in the background. I have 5 more armies larger than this on the way up, so 36 Danes can die for my amusement.

Oh my god, give up already.

Rumors of trouble? Oh no. The last thing I need is this army with 200 swords to go rogue.

I set up the siege for next season.

And double their rations to keep them happy. It probably won't work.

I swear to God we've seen this before.

I dont even know what is in this army I am moving, but I am going to take one of the free counties. Haven't done this in a while.

Oh good, it's swordsmen!

This is the kind of shit I see in these counties. Gee, good thing you fought to the death and didn't let me send you 200 fucking cows and 1000 grain you stupid peasants. Sadly this is in better shape than most of the Knights counties were.

Setting up the non-existent siege engines for the last Countess castle and County. She repeatedly asks for an alliance at this point.

Way left I have an unhappy county and I dont know why. They are getting triple rations and beer.

The Countess attacks my archers. Poor archers.

Fuck you. They are from Normandy, I dont care about their lives.

So now she can attack my 200 Danish swordsmen that are attacking the castle.

Oh my god there are only like 15 people left in the fucking castle and havent had food for 3 seasons.

Unhappy county revolts! They revolted right next to a well fed army of Swedes.

The Baron moves up top to attack. Then immediately runs away and keeps his army intact. Ugh.

Another one of his bullshit armies attacks.

And dies.

I'm just passing through, need to get to that county in the top left please!

But he doesn't want me to pass through.

I leave 27 men behind for the next army to clean up.

Back at the Countess. Mutiny is imminent? Shit. Well, I have a cure for mutiny!

Run in and die, mutinous fucks.

My other siege of Countess begins!

Seriously, I'm just trying to pass through. Leave me alone.

Attack the bandits!

Show no mercy!

These Normans (Norms?) really know how to fight.

Positioning my men.

This is the Countess' old county in the extreme top right. It's about time this fat fuck got here. They've been starving since my transports havent had time to make it there.

You can see my big 800 man army down bottom trying to get back into the fight. They'll never make it. Might just disband them.
That's where we are now.
I'll get working on finishing this up today hopefully. If not, then Monday.